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Unrefined Rock Salt is a Bad Choice For Your Pool

Some companies claim that unrefined rock salt is a form of water damage cleanup. Well, thats just not true.

It sounds nice because they can say this: I dont want to give away the store on water quality. Thats nice of them.

However, there are many others that do give away the store on water quality. And, the unrefined salt, even if its refined, still has ammonia in it that is extremely corrosive.

Unrefined rock salt should not be applied in the foundation. It will increase the overall density of the soil.

If youve ever used anything with a lower-alkalinity salt than the one youre using, youll know what Im talking about. The stone salt that gets applied to the bottom of your swimming pool has been de-alkalized, but thats only a form of oxidation.

Not only will the ammonia that is released from the stone salt react with any loose dirt that is being stirred up by your pool pump, but it can also cause some really bad burns on some people. You can find out why if you read the book on the topics covered in this newsletter.

In addition, the rock salt has a tendency to react with cement and puddled water to form calcium carbide crystals. These crystals will settle at the bottom of your pool and if youre not careful, you could be setting off the formation of tons of new calcium carbide in the water column, too.

The third major issue with unrefined rock salt is that it doesnt penetrate the ground very well. This means that when you have any problems, you might need to dig around and clean out a lot of the area before you can get the problem removed.

When you use one of these products, youre going to have to pay a lot of money for all those extra chemicals that are needed to clean it and you have to be concerned with high maintenance. The newer technologies will cost you far less money and the products themselves wont leave any residue behind.

And, there are some that use a new technology salt thats much better for your pool. This was developed by a manufacturing company that has been around for a while and theyve been in the pool industry for many years.

And, in the last couple of years, theyve really taken off in the pool owners association industry. Now, even some of the older pool owners are doing testing on their own and some of them are using it.

Unrefined rock salt is an absolute no-no in a pool that uses solar or electric pumps. The ammonia level in the pool water would create a neurotoxin that would make your skin crawl.

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