Buy French Grey Salt
Our French Grey Salt is
Gourmet Food Quality – The Best for Cooking!
Use on the table – Do not use a metal grinder for additional grinding.
Along with Proper Hydration French Grey Sea Salt May Assist
Help Keep A Regular Heartbeat
Help Normalize Irregular Heartbeat
Help In the Stabilization of Blood Pressure
Promote Respiratory Health
Helps Eliminate Existing Mucus Build-Up & Helps Inhibit Future Build-Up
Helpful for Smokers, Bronchial Congestion, Allergies, Sinus Issues, & Asthma.
Promotes Full Resting Sleeping Patterns – The Large Amount of Trace Minerals Have A Calming Effect on the Body.
Improves Brain Function & Processing – Assists in improving the processing & communications of information between nerve cells
Reduces Excessive Toxins & Acidity within Brain Cells
Assists in Stabilizing Blood Sugar Helpful for Diabetics.
Helps with Maintaining an Efficient Acid-Alkaline Balance by Reducing & Eliminating Excess Acidity in the Body
Helps Strengthen a Healthier Resistance within the Immune System – Regular Use Can Assist in Building Immunities to Disease, Illness, & Infections.
Assists with a Speedy Recovery – Can Strengthen Our Systems to Heal Quicker After an Injury or Surgery.
Sea salt is produced in a variety of locations in France. Several sources of production are found on the islands off the west or Atlantic coast. Isle De Re, Isle D’Oleron and and Isle Noirmoutier all still produce sea salt or sel gris in French. Perhaps the most well known is the salt of guerande from Brittany. Salt has been produced in this area of France for over a thousand years.
It is usually produced in traditional salt pans where sea water is allowed to evaporate slowly allowing to salt to form. This product is also known as Celtic salt and has become prized amongst professional and home based cooks.
An exclusive variety of French sea salt is fleur de sel. This means flower of salt. This is harvested in the the summer using wooden tools. It is the finest element of the production. It goes well with fish meat and salads. Local producers also add a variety of herbs and spices to the salt and local shops sell a wide range of speciality salts.
Another delicacy produced using French sea salt are salted butter caramels. Once again these are widely available in tourist shops of the west of France. Recipes for this treat are widely available on the internet. If you are lucky you may discover a source of salted caramel ice cream.
If you are a fan of french sea salt then a recipe that might interest you is sea bass cooked in a salt crust. This sounds as though it will be very salty but the crust is removed before serving revealing a wonderfully tasty fish.
Sourcing French sea salt is relatively easy place your order today! It really does make a difference to the taste of your cooking. It is worth finding a source in order to add to your range of condiments.